Live in Light of Easter: Pt 3

As we’ve talked about the Resurrection this month, we’ve been focusing on Jesus raising from the dead and living on. We get to celebrate living in light of Easter and the reality-shattering event that changed all of history.

BUT that is not where the story ends.

Because of Jesus’ resurrection, those of us in Him have hope for the future. Jesus’ resurrection proves what He said to His good friend Martha in John 11:25: “‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.’”

Did you catch this earth-shattering statement? Through Jesus, death does not have a hold over us.

So, what really does that mean? We don’t have to worry about death.

Through Jesus, the Resurrection guarantees the future resurrection of those in Christ.
Look ahead to Revelation 21. It begins with John saying, “Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away….” Our hope in the future is this. In the end, there will be a new heaven and new earth where we get to spend eternity. John goes on describing that there will be X no X more X death and that He is making all things new. Death will have no hold over those of us in Christ, just as death had no hold over Christ. We too will be resurrected and will spend eternity worshipping and enjoying the Lord.


Live in Light of Easter: Pt 4


Live in Light of Easter: Pt 2