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4 Ways to Grow Closer to Jesus Today

One of the few glimpses we get into Jesus’ earthly childhood is found at the end of Luke 2. Luke tells of when Jesus stayed behind at the Temple—without Mary and Joseph’s knowing. The last line in this story is so important for us today: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Jesus grew, and He grew in four key areas: wisdom, stature, favor with God, and favor with man. Or perhaps more simply, He grew mentally, physically, spiritually, and relationally. If I believe that Jesus is the perfect example of who to model life after, then this is a perfect model to run my life through.

4 Ways to Grow Closer to Jesus Today

  1. Mentally: (Let God speak in the stillness) God speaks in the quiet. He often does some of His best nudging and prodding when we take the time to be silent—not just physically silent, but mentally silent. Take 15 minutes today and sit in the Word and then just listen. When your mind starts to wander, have a trigger word or phrase, like “Father, you are here” to take you back to your stillness.

  2. Physically: (Do something small to honor God) God designed our bodies to be incredible—and they are. When we honor God with our bodies, we are actively pursuing Him. We’re all at different parts in our journey, but do something intentional today (no matter how small) to honor God with your body—stretch, go for a walk, lift, or sweat!

  3. Spiritually: (Take the Word with you) Studying and getting in the Word is important—but if we just read and boost our Bible knowledge and don’t practice what God teaches, we miss a whole lot about who God is. Today, read a few verses and then meditate on them ALL day and refocus your mind on what you read, living out the Word. If it’s helpful, write down those verses as a reminder on your phone to go off on the hour.

  4. Relationally: (Be raw in an intentional relationship) Having intentional relationships with people who help you grow is vital to growth. Whether it’s a text, a Facetime, or a hand-written letter, reach out to someone today to be vulnerable, real, and raw.