Jesus is on Our Side, Sister.

We are in a crisis of instant gratification. If someone doesn’t text back right away, we get mad. If we had a long day at work, we get take out. If we want new things, we get them.

It’s like we’re toddlers throwing a tantrum when we don’t get what we want.

Sometimes these things are not inherently wrong; other times they are.

But all of the time it is Satan trying to grab a hold of our lives by tempting us. Romans 13:14 says, “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.” This is a reminder that we don’t have to fall victim to these desires. Jesus is on our side, sister!

We can clothe ourselves with Him and through the Holy Spirit, He will help us live and run the race set before us.

How can we do this? Time. With. Jesus.

Daily meditation and journaling in God’ Word. Friends, I can not express how seriously life-giving it is to read Scripture every morning.

Get in God’s presence this week and love God and others more deeply.


Live in Light of Easter: Pt 4